Monday, July 23, 2007

I’m going to talk a little-bit about a particular church I know of and what is going on with some churches today? It’s about some of the politics in the church.
Now unfortunately there will always be some type of politics in church. Whether it is the pastor that uses politics, certain members, or even the church body, politics is somewhere within the church. But the politics I want to mention is when a church wants to grow and do the things the Bible tells them to do but because of some individuals or an individual, the church doesn’t do it. This causes the church not to go grow and it’s usually the leadership is too afraid to upset anyone.
The biggest thing I couldn’t believe is when the leadership of a church is willing to allow individuals to continue sinning. I am not meaning those who fall or sin because of character faults. We all have problems like that Jesus continues to prune away after our salvation. I am talking about those who choose willfully to cause problems in the church.
For example, (true story) their was a Pastor that ask a couple to come in and start some ministries, the husband was ask to start a young adults program and the wife was ask to reorganize the children department. So they agreed.
The problem started when the wife was giving a date to start a class, but the children directors decides to have a party without informing the wife. For the second week, same thing happened. Finally the third week came and the class was about to start but that certain lady of the church waited conveniently in the wall. After the wife started the class, the lady started to cry uncontrollable and causing a seen in the wall. As if she just lost a love one. And all this is done in front youth room. This caused a huge seen and because of it, the Children’s director got on to the wife for causing the problem.
To make this short, the wife was no able to start her class. Remember she was asked by the senior and associate pastor to do so. This wife is respect by several leaders in their section, being call to do Kids, knowing several type of kids programs, gone through training after training and she has even been asked to start a kid’s camp in that section. She was also trained by a children Pastor for 3 years. But the Pastor told her to wait on the class after the issue is resolved and he admitted that the lady had some problems. After several month of the pastor started making excuses and then giving the problem to his associate pastor, so the couple left the church. But in those months it was proven that the lady just didn’t like the wife and had emotional problem which the senior pastor know about. The sad thing the pastor allowed this lady, the one with emotional problem to teach children church.
This is where the politics come in to play. The pastor does not want to upset the lady because it could cause a problem, remember the lady has support of the children director and the children director’s husband was on the board and a deacon. And I must mention the church spilt 3 to 4 year ago. This Pastor has lost control of his church.

The question is when did the sheep stating leading the shepherd? I seeing more and more pastors and preacher preaching a soft gospel; preaching what the crowd wants to hear instead of what God’s word says. The church is not a vending machine. The church is not a place were sinners can come in so God can love their sin. No! The church is a place where sinners can come in, have their life change by the repenting of their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, and leaving knowing that they are change within, and not desiring to sin anymore.

And we must remember that preaching the true gospel will upset some people.
